2002 Old St Augustine Rd, Building A, Suite 50, Tallahassee, FL 32301

Welcome Stephanie!

woman with short hair smiling

Our team continues to grow as we welcome aboard our Program Accountability and Research Manager, Ms. Stephanie Eller Vaughn.

Stephanie Eller Vaughn has a combined 20-years of nonprofit executive, volunteer, and graduate teaching experience. She specializes in helping nonprofits use data to measure ROI through a mixed-methods, evidence-based approach and develop long-range planning that supports an organization’s strategic vision. Stephanie graduated from Furman University with a bachelor’s degree in vocal performance, earned a master’s degree in performing arts management from The American University in Washington, DC, and completed FSU’s Master of Business Administration in 2021.

“As a mother of a child with special needs,” shared Stephanie, “I feel very passionate about the work the Children’s Services Council does and am eager to use my skills and passion to make a difference in our community.”

Stephanie will lead the integration of evaluation processes that support the tactical and strategic efforts required to achieve programmatic objectives, goals and outcomes. She will work hand in hand with community investment partners, capacity building partners, and evaluation staff to ensure investmentments yield positive outcomes for children, youth and families in Leon County.

Connect with Ms. Eller Vaughn via email at sellervaughn@cscleon.org.